NEP 2020: English

Step 1: A) Registration

B) Theme Registration



( മുകളിലുള്ള രണ്ടു ലിങ്കിലെയും Registration പൂർത്തിയാക്കണം)

Step 2: Submit Suggestions Here: (on 30/08/2020 Sunday)

Q -1

There are four important positions in the body related to the words para, parā ,paśyantī ,madhyamā ,vaikhari. It extends from the neck to the base. vaikhari is part of the throat. This is where the pronunciation of most languages begins. However, Sanskrit begins with the subtle word paśyantī, which originates from the root and is derived from the navel. Therefore, the study of Sanskrit should start from the very beginning of the study. Learning Sanskrit helps in intellectual development and memory development. Neuroscience shows how rigorous memorising can help the brain. it proved by the several neuroscientist . Sanskrit should be studied for personal development. Because this is not just a language. Culture and way of life. Science can be seen in pronunciation itself. With this view, the study of Sanskrit has started from the very beginning in many foreign countries. Therefore, it is advisable to start learning Sanskrit from the very beginning in the new education policy

(മുകളിലെ മാറ്റർ Copy ചെയ്ത് താഴെ Theme-A ലിങ്കിൽ കയറി ചോദ്യം നമ്പർ 1-ലെ Comment Box ൽ Paste ചെയ്‌ത ശേഷം തൊട്ടുതാഴെയുള്ള Submit ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)

Theme A:

(Questions Sl. No.1 to 3)

Q -4

Children can acquire a lot of vocabulary through the study of sounds and minerals through the Amarakosam, Siddharoopa, Dhathumanjari in sanskrit . It is also very helpful in learning other languages. Therefore, the emphasis at this stage should be on the study of the Sanskrit language itself.For Example Elephant word has 4000 synonyms in Sanskrit. Here are some of them.कुञ्जरः,गजः,हस्तिन्,हस्तिपकः,द्विपः,द्विरदः,वारणः,करिन्,मतङ्गः,सुचिकाधरः,सुप्रतीकः,अङ्गूषः,अन्तेःस्वेदः,इभः,कञ्जरः,कञ्जारः,कटिन्,कम्बुः,करिकः,कालिङ्गः,कूचः,गर्जः,चदिरः,चक्रपादः,चन्दिरः,जर्तुः,दण्डवलधिः,दन्तावलः,दीर्घपवनः,दीर्घवक्त्रः,द्रुमारिः,द्विदन्तः,द्विरापः,नगजः,नगरघातः,नर्तकः,निर्झरः,पञ्चनखः,पीलुः,पिण्डपादः,पिण्डपाद्यः,पृष्टहायनः,पुण्ड्रकेलिः,महाकायः,महामृगः,महानादः,मातंगः,मतंगजः,मत्तकीशः,राजिलः,राजीवः,रक्तपादः,रणमत्तः,रसिकः,लम्बकर्णः,लतालकः,लतारदः,वनजः,वराङ्गः,वारीटः,वितण्डः,षष्टिहायनः,वेदण्डः,वेगदण्डः,वेतण्डः,विलोमजिह्वः,विलोमरसनः This is just one example. Have you seen any language with such rich vocabulary?

(മുകളിലെ മാറ്റർ Copy ചെയ്ത് താഴെ Theme-A ലിങ്കിൽ കയറി ചോദ്യം നമ്പർ 4-ലെ Comment Box ൽ Paste ചെയ്‌ത ശേഷം തൊട്ടുതാഴെയുള്ള Submit ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)

Theme B:

(Questions Sl. No.4 to 6)

Q -5

The general approach to numeracy that we have been using in all fields from the elementary level onwards . it can be implemented more effectively at this stage if it is scientifically structured based on Vedic mathematics . Neuroscience shows how rigorous memorising can help the brain. The term the ‘Sanskrit Effect’ was coined by neuroscientist James Hartzell, who studied 21 professionally qualified Sanskrit pandits. He discovered that memorising Vedic mantras increases the size of brain regions associated with cognitive function, including short and long-term memory. This finding corroborates the beliefs of the Indian tradition which holds that memorising and reciting mantras enhances memory and thinking. Like that Bhootha sankhya , Aksharasankhya are also usfull for Child brain development .

(മുകളിലെ മാറ്റർ Copy ചെയ്ത് താഴെ Theme-B ലിങ്കിൽ കയറി ചോദ്യം നമ്പർ 5-ലെ Comment Box ൽ Paste ചെയ്‌ത ശേഷം തൊട്ടുതാഴെയുള്ള Submit ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)

Theme B:

(Questions Sl. No.4 to 6)

Q -9

Sanskrit subhashithas,Cartoons,Mahabharata, Ramayana, Panchatantra and Puranas help to guide the child's development towards the stage of culture. Children's songs, Number songs, speech experience, illustrated vocabulary, etc. are very useful for visualizing the various stages of language learning. Maternal and Family Relationships The process of acquiring knowledge with the five senses can be very effective if it is Sanskrit based.

(മുകളിലെ മാറ്റർ Copy ചെയ്ത് താഴെ Theme-D ലിങ്കിൽ കയറി ചോദ്യം നമ്പർ -ലെ Comment Box ൽ Paste ചെയ്‌ത ശേഷം തൊട്ടുതാഴെയുള്ള Submit ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)

Theme D:

(Questions Sl. No.9 to 51)

Q -10

Sanskrit, Ayurveda, Yoga etc. are very helpful for the holistic development of the students. this is scientifically proved . By convincing them of the ayurvedic quiet circle it is possible to accurately convince them of the need to keep their living environment and surroundings clean and healthy. And Practicing yoga pranayama etc. is good for personal health and intelligence. The ideas available through proverbs and stories are very effective for character formation so at this stage it is essential to study with emphasis on such subjects and to study Sanskrit which contains the full essence of those subjects is essential In the words of Swami Vivekananda, "The voice of Sanskrit sounds gives us vigor."

(മുകളിലെ മാറ്റർ Copy ചെയ്ത് താഴെ Theme-D ലിങ്കിൽ കയറി ചോദ്യം നമ്പർ 10-ലെ Comment Box ൽ Paste ചെയ്‌ത ശേഷം തൊട്ടുതാഴെയുള്ള Submit ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)

Theme D:

(Questions Sl. No.9 to 51)

Q -11

Sanskrit can help improve brain development and memory. NASA scientist Rick Briggs said that Sanskrit is the only unambiguous language in existence. He also wrote some explanations about Sanskrit in his article. Sanskrit is a language which is used asSpeech Therapy. Sanskrit has five different classes of word Kanthya(Spoken from throat),Talavya(Spoken while touching tongue to jaw),Dantya(Spoken while touching tongue to teeth),Murdhanya(Spoken by twisting tongue),Ostya(Spoken by lips). Sanskrit has been identified as the most suitable programming languages for computers to understand. Research is going on to make a programming language in Sanskrit which can be compiled and executed million times faster than other programming languages. . There is no need of particular sentence structure for Sanskrit. Like, In English- Subject+Verb+Object.Ex- in sanskrit अहं उत्तरम् लिखामि। लिखामि अहं उत्तरम्। अहं लिखामि उत्तरम् Both the three sentence get Same meaning -I am writing an answer.

(മുകളിലെ മാറ്റർ Copy ചെയ്ത് താഴെ Theme-D ലിങ്കിൽ കയറി ചോദ്യം നമ്പർ 11-ലെ Comment Box ൽ Paste ചെയ്‌ത ശേഷം തൊട്ടുതാഴെയുള്ള Submit ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)

Theme D:

(Questions Sl. No.9 to 51)

Q -12

Cultural education and knowledge of Sanskrit language are required at this stage. Pronouncing and improving the pronunciation of verses enhances memory. Sanskrit in-fluenceJ in local languages in a very short period of time is very helpful in mak-ing Sanskrit conversation possible.The study of Sanskrit is very useful in this situation to bridge the gap in languages. It is scientifically proved. This method enables them to grow into righteous and dedicated noble citizens.Today's children are tomorrow's citizens.Therefore, national devotion,service and cultural awareness should be included in the curriculum .Notonly language learning but also Indian culture needs to be learned through study. Knowing the Mahatmas who gave their lives for the good of the world can lead to a change of mind. It needs to have a place in education.Learning Sanskrit is very useful for enjoying learning,enhancing creativity,mental development,giving proper and appropriate direction,and providing a good way.

(മുകളിലെ മാറ്റർ Copy ചെയ്ത് താഴെ Theme-D ലിങ്കിൽ കയറി ചോദ്യം നമ്പർ 12-ലെ Comment Box ൽ Paste ചെയ്‌ത ശേഷം തൊട്ടുതാഴെയുള്ള Submit ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)

Theme D:

(Questions Sl. No.9 to 51)

Q -14

Curricula should include national ideas. Opportunity should be provided to pick Indian philosophies in all subjects For it we must give the examples from our epics. There should be lessons on Chanakya, Vyasa and other great Indian fellows. Like this Indian scientists details must study by the students. At this stage, Indian teachers should be given the opportunity to understand their contributions. Economics, Chanakyanithi Ramayanam and Gita can be included as part of the new educational policy .

(മുകളിലെ മാറ്റർ Copy ചെയ്ത് താഴെ Theme-D ലിങ്കിൽ കയറി ചോദ്യം നമ്പർ 14-ലെ Comment Box ൽ Paste ചെയ്‌ത ശേഷം തൊട്ടുതാഴെയുള്ള Submit ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)

Theme D:

(Questions Sl. No.9 to 51)

Q -15

Vedic mathematics, geometry and Indian chronology can be applied in the field of drawing and construction. Philosophical study and experience of Indian national leaders should be available in all subjects. old and new version Stories, poems, literature and scientific texts etc. are can be included as part of the new educational policy .

(മുകളിലെ മാറ്റർ Copy ചെയ്ത് താഴെ Theme-D ലിങ്കിൽ കയറി ചോദ്യം നമ്പർ 15-ലെ Comment Box ൽ Paste ചെയ്‌ത ശേഷം തൊട്ടുതാഴെയുള്ള Submit ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)

Theme D:

(Questions Sl. No.9 to 51)

Q -17

The study of Sanskrit , inventions from India, festivals and culture of India and Social reformers of India are compulsory study areas in education. Occupational fields such as theater, yoga, music and astronomy can be included at this stage. Sanskrit resources There should be an opportunity to identify and understand Indian subjects in languages and sciences

(മുകളിലെ മാറ്റർ Copy ചെയ്ത് താഴെ Theme-D ലിങ്കിൽ കയറി ചോദ്യം നമ്പർ 17-ലെ Comment Box ൽ Paste ചെയ്‌ത ശേഷം തൊട്ടുതാഴെയുള്ള Submit ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)

Theme D:

(Questions Sl. No.9 to 51)


The Sanskrit language has many contributions to make in scientific experience. Since all those discoveries are recorded in Sanskrit language, to introduce the texts, to practice the activities mentioned in the texts, to identify the merits of Indian discoveries, and thereby to regain national consciousness and self-respect. It will be very helpful for the new generation

(മുകളിലെ മാറ്റർ Copy ചെയ്ത് താഴെ Theme-D ലിങ്കിൽ കയറി ചോദ്യം നമ്പർ 18-ലെ Comment Box ൽ Paste ചെയ്‌ത ശേഷം തൊട്ടുതാഴെയുള്ള Submit ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)

Theme D:

(Questions Sl. No.9 to 51)


At this stage, the introduction to Indian art and heritage arts such as paintings, murals and the paints used for it can be a subject of study in nurturing the literary wealth of Indian works, the musical part used in various art forms. Sculpture The various temples of India, the architectural ingenuity, the texts that describe them and their scientifically should be studied.

(മുകളിലെ മാറ്റർ Copy ചെയ്ത് താഴെ Theme-D ലിങ്കിൽ കയറി ചോദ്യം നമ്പർ 19-ലെ Comment Box ൽ Paste ചെയ്‌ത ശേഷം തൊട്ടുതാഴെയുള്ള Submit ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)

Theme D:

(Questions Sl. No.9 to 51)


sports for all not for few. There should be an opportunity to prioritize physical exercise and training in relation to physical education and to provide opportunities for the teaching of yoga, Kalari and unity empowering games etc. Special emphasis should be given to games that promote national unity. it can start a special training process for the game

(മുകളിലെ മാറ്റർ Copy ചെയ്ത് താഴെ Theme-D ലിങ്കിൽ കയറി ചോദ്യം നമ്പർ 20-ലെ Comment Box ൽ Paste ചെയ്‌ത ശേഷം തൊട്ടുതാഴെയുള്ള Submit ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)

Theme D:

(Questions Sl. No.9 to 51)


As conservation of natural resources is essential in India, systematic curriculum needs to be formulated in the areas of climate protection, health care as well as survival of natural disasters. E.g., swimming, running, jumping, climbing etc. This training can provide physical and health well-being and a sense of direction that enhances fitness.

(മുകളിലെ മാറ്റർ Copy ചെയ്ത് താഴെ Theme-D ലിങ്കിൽ കയറി ചോദ്യം നമ്പർ 20-ലെ Comment Box ൽ Paste ചെയ്‌ത ശേഷം തൊട്ടുതാഴെയുള്ള Submit ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)

Theme D:

(Questions Sl. No.9 to 51)


Here we can see a scene where art and Sanskrit are intertwined The language used in all art forms including Kathakali Ramanattam and the language and story of the play Koodiyattam Padakam Chakyoorkoothu etc. are based on Sanskrit works. This is an area where there is potential for pronunciation, dialogue, acting, 64 arts training, and the application of Indian dance science The protection that can be given in further studies by giving special consideration to the student who is coming forward for the study of arts helps to promote these arts

(മുകളിലെ മാറ്റർ Copy ചെയ്ത് താഴെ Theme-D ലിങ്കിൽ കയറി ചോദ്യം നമ്പർ 23-ലെ Comment Box ൽ Paste ചെയ്‌ത ശേഷം തൊട്ടുതാഴെയുള്ള Submit ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)

Theme D:

(Questions Sl. No.9 to 51)


It is imperative that in the new era the availability of water resources decreases and the modernization and conservation of water resources be brought up in such a way as to be necessary for the society. Just like that Water needs to be taken seriously This is survival Water is a Sanskrit synonym for life That sustains this universe is water, air, earth, air, and sky When the basic concept is imparted to children. The child also needs to have a perspective on water conservation so here is a perspective based on the pañcabhūtasid'dhānta

(മുകളിലെ മാറ്റർ Copy ചെയ്ത് താഴെ Theme-D ലിങ്കിൽ കയറി ചോദ്യം നമ്പർ 27-ലെ Comment Box ൽ Paste ചെയ്‌ത ശേഷം തൊട്ടുതാഴെയുള്ള Submit ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)

Theme D:

(Questions Sl. No.9 to 51)


Learner's experiences experimental learning is of particular importance in everyday life and character formation. There should be quotes in the syllabus that give strength to this. Experimental learning is related to everyday life. Our subject is Sanskrit. It is a way of introducing the objects used in everyday life through Sanskrit and introducing the child to day today life by introducing the Sanskrit words that come every day.Our intention is to teach this method

(മുകളിലെ മാറ്റർ Copy ചെയ്ത് താഴെ Theme-D ലിങ്കിൽ കയറി ചോദ്യം നമ്പർ 29-ലെ Comment Box ൽ Paste ചെയ്‌ത ശേഷം തൊട്ടുതാഴെയുള്ള Submit ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)

Theme D:

(Questions Sl. No.9 to 51)


Linguists and studies in psychology have shown that children up to the age of eight have the ability to learn multiple languages. Therefore, not only the three language program but also the four language program should provide opportunities for children to learn. Through the implementation of the ‘catur bhāṣa' (pradēśikābha, Sanskrit, Hindi & English ) project to give prominence to local languages and other languages, to give full emphasis to the literature and music of those languages, to nurture them and to ensure the full support of the society in all sectors. it will also be very useful for the development of the arts and culture scene It is noteworthy that the slogans of all movements in all sectors and public and private sector enterprises have been adopted in meaningful Sanskrit texts in a manner that upholds national unity. Indian languages are closely related to Sanskrit so facilities and assistance for a student studying Sanskrit to learn other languages.

(മുകളിലെ മാറ്റർ Copy ചെയ്ത് താഴെ Theme-D ലിങ്കിൽ കയറി ചോദ്യം നമ്പർ 32-ലെ Comment Box ൽ Paste ചെയ്‌ത ശേഷം തൊട്ടുതാഴെയുള്ള Submit ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)

Theme D:

(Questions Sl. No.9 to 51)


Learning Sanskrit is very helpful in enhancing children's cooperation and team spirit. Songs, songs, poems, stories and plays that unite the unity will be useful to further strengthen the field. Sanskrit language training helps to enhance conversational skills by practicing communication skills by training the communication skills to coordinate the four language project because today many words that are intertwined in the vernacular and world languages have evolved from the Sanskrit language and the training of that language would have made a great contribution for speech of all language during this period.

(മുകളിലെ മാറ്റർ Copy ചെയ്ത് താഴെ Theme-D ലിങ്കിൽ കയറി ചോദ്യം നമ്പർ 35-ലെ Comment Box ൽ Paste ചെയ്‌ത ശേഷം തൊട്ടുതാഴെയുള്ള Submit ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)

Theme D:

(Questions Sl. No.9 to 51)


Sanskrit language training helps to enhance the communication skills by training the communication skills by training the communication skills to coordinate the four language project, as many of the interrelated words in the local and world languages today have evolved from the Sanskrit language and the training of that language. Would have made a great contribution during this period.

(മുകളിലെ മാറ്റർ Copy ചെയ്ത് താഴെ Theme-D ലിങ്കിൽ കയറി ചോദ്യം നമ്പർ 36-ലെ Comment Box ൽ Paste ചെയ്‌ത ശേഷം തൊട്ടുതാഴെയുള്ള Submit ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)

Theme D:

(Questions Sl. No.9 to 51)

Q- 38

Classroom Deals for Teachers Moral and Ethical Reasoning. The culture that instills me here without us knowing it through Sanskrit study Cooperation to enhance the cohesion of society to enhance such values It would be a huge investment to make sure. At this stage, Indian teachers should be given the opportunity to understand their contributions. Economics, Chanakyanithi and Ramayana Gita can be included as part of the project. Kids are don’t really like advice.They do not like to be taught moral values.But we have the experience that they quickly understand and apply these things through stories, subhashithas and examples.At this point their character formation in the study of the Sanskrit language persists.Therefore, there must be an opportunity to study Sanskrit compulsorily.

(മുകളിലെ മാറ്റർ Copy ചെയ്ത് താഴെ Theme-D ലിങ്കിൽ കയറി ചോദ്യം നമ്പർ 36-ലെ Comment Box ൽ Paste ചെയ്‌ത ശേഷം തൊട്ടുതാഴെയുള്ള Submit ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)

Theme D:

(Questions Sl. No.9 to 51)

Q- 41

Learning Sanskrit should be part of the curriculum in order to acquire basic duties and civic skills.

(മുകളിലെ മാറ്റർ Copy ചെയ്ത് താഴെ Theme-D ലിങ്കിൽ കയറി ചോദ്യം നമ്പർ 41-ലെ Comment Box ൽ Paste ചെയ്‌ത ശേഷം തൊട്ടുതാഴെയുള്ള Submit ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)

Theme D:

(Questions Sl. No.9 to 51)

Q- 42

Historical poems include the raghuvanśaṁ, kumārasambhavaṁ and biographical poems by historians as part of the educational process. Many examples of how to cultivate pride and confidence in Sanskrit have been written in Sanskrit poems, plays and epics. Any teacher can create a sense of pride by incorporating national dimensions into the curriculum from different corners of the country. This process is very effective in realizing the concept of nation building.

(മുകളിലെ മാറ്റർ Copy ചെയ്ത് താഴെ Theme-D ലിങ്കിൽ കയറി ചോദ്യം നമ്പർ 42-ലെ Comment Box ൽ Paste ചെയ്‌ത ശേഷം തൊട്ടുതാഴെയുള്ള Submit ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക)

Theme D:

(Questions Sl. No.9 to 51)




Theme A: Click Here

(Questions Sl. No.1 to 3)

Theme B: Click Here

(Questions Sl. No.4 to 6)

Theme C: Click Here

(Questions Sl. No.7& 8)

Theme D: Click Here

(Questions Sl. No.9 to 51)

Theme E: Click Here

(Questions Sl. No.52 to 59)

Theme F: Click Here

(Questions Sl. No.60 to 86)

Theme G: Click Here

(Questions Sl. No.87 to 93)

Theme H: Click Here

(Questions Sl. No.94 & 95)

Theme I: Click Here

(Questions Sl. No.96 & 97)

Theme J: Click Here

(Questions Sl. No.98)

Theme K: Click Here

(Questions Sl. No.99 to 102)